Our Ministry

We are on a campaign to bring a unique message of hope, love, and life through the miracle of organ and tissue donation to your Catholic Parish and Ministries. 

Every one of your parishioners with a driver’s license has been asked if they want to register to be a donor. This subject affects almost everyone in your Parish. Are you ready to help us change the minds and hearts of your parishioners? 

Life Always Wins Program

You bring your Parish Community together—we bring the C.O.D.A. Crusade’s Life Always Wins Program directly to them! 

During this 60-90 minute event, Speakers with real-life connections to donation and transplantation will share their emotional and uplifting stories of faith-in-action and our Catholic Culture of Life. 

Supporting Parish Ministries / Other Support

Pro-Life Ministry: Organ donation has a strong connection to the Pro-Life cause rooted in the Catholic Church’s culture of life. Our ministry provides a new way to connect parishioners the Pro-Life “Womb to Tomb” message. 

Knights of Columbus: One of the staunchest supporters of our Pro-Life cause is the Knights of Columbus ministry. One of their Pillars is charity, which is embodied in our C.O.D.A. Crusade.  

Youth Ministry: Almost all states today, allow high schoolers to register to be organ donors when they get their driver’s license. Our ministry helps them make an informed decision about this life-saving issue. 

Council of Catholic Women: The CCW responds to the needs of the Church and society by addressing concerns in our modern world, such as the nearly 20 Americans who die each day waiting on a life-saving organ transplant.